News & Updates

The latest news, blogs and features from Born Free.

Press contact: [email protected]+44 (0)1403 240 170

The story of King

What a difference Born Free makes! With your support, King has transformed from a terrified, lonely cub to a magnificent adult. Now YOU can adopt him today!

Safe from harm for 25 years

Our Rescue & Care team report on 25 years of providing lifetime care for rescued big cats with Shamwari Reserve in South Africa.

Banning trophy hunting for animal welfare, conservation and communities

Born Free's latest initiative targets the EU trophy hunting market.

Saving lions together

To commemorate our special Year of the Lion, Born Free has launched an urgent public appeal to raise funds to save lives and stop suffering.

Born Free Forever lions roar into Edinburgh!

Don't miss our magnificent pride of bronze lion sculptures as they round-off their UK tour with a stay in Scotland!

A sparkling evening in aid of our Year of the Lion

Born Free’s Head of Communications and PR, Amanda Poole-Connor, reports back following our long-awaited Mane Event celebrations.

Farewell Nelson

We are heartbroken to report that our beloved Nelson has passed away at the grand old age of 22.

Will lions be extinct by 2050+?

The lion population is dwindling and could become extinct by 2050. Discover what you can do to help protect this incredible species.

Safeguarding lions and people!

Stephen Melubo, Born Free’s Monitoring and Evaluation Officer in Amboseli, reports on helping predators and people live together without conflict in southern Kenya.

Inspired by George Adamson

Born Free remembers the Father of Lions and, in his memory, encourages donations to our Forever Lions fund. Together let’s keep lions wild and free!