UK Education
In the UK, our Education Programme aims to reach children and young people both in schools and out, instilling a love of wildlife and helping to encourage personal, local action to help protect wild animals and their habitats around the world
If you would like Born Free to hold a workshop or assembly at your school, community group, event or club (either in person or remotely via video link) please get in touch. In addition, you can request a university guest speaker for your course or society. All of our educational workshops and talks are free of charge, but we may sometimes need to ask you to cover travel expenses if we are coming to speak in person. We welcome any fundraising you are able to carry out to help support our work.
For more information, please read our Education Brochure below. To book, fill out the appropriate form below or contact the Education Team.
Primary Schools:
Secondary Schools:
Book Readings
You can also invite children’s author Jay Vincent to hold a virtual reading of The Shark Who Barked, a book that raises funds for Born Free. Suitable for KS1 and LKS2, Jay’s energetic and interactive reading will take you and your pupils on a magical adventure under the sea. Email [email protected] for more information.
Education Resources & Links

School Events

Visiting Zoos

Great Debate

Creative Nature Programme

University Guest Speaker

Fun Fundraising Ideas

Hear the Roar!!

Hear The Roar XL

Wildlife Activities

Schools Sign-Up