Students from George Heriot’s School at ‘Born Free Forever’, an exhibition opening today at The Meadows in Edinburgh by international wildlife charity, Born Free, aiming to raise awareness of threats facing the lion population. Mark Runnacles/PA Wire.

School Events


Take a look what’s coming up this year!

Born Free’s educational events are free and perfect for school groups and home-educators. Get in touch with any queries or for more details ,including curriculum-links and suggested learning objectives

Contact us


Upcoming Events:

Last Chance to Paint – African Elephants

A colourful painting of elephants and birds walking across the savannahDate: Tuesday 4th February

Time: 1.30pm

Location: Zoom Webinar

Suggested age-range: KS1 & KS2

Runtime: 1 hour 15 minutes

Time to get creative! Join Born Free and artist John Dyer, founder of environmental art project, Last Chance To Paint. Students can paint along live with John to create their own savannah masterpiece, whilst learning amazing facts about the African elephant from the Born Free Education Team. Have your students’ questions answered all about wildlife and learn about John’s expedition to Kenya with Last Chance to Paint.


World Book Day with Lauren St John

A photo of Lauren St John sitting on a hillside with the countryside in the backgroundDate: Thursday 6th March

Time: 9.15am

Location: Zoom Webinar

Suggested age range: KS2 students

Runtime: 45mins

This World Book Day, 6th March, join the Born Free team and award-winning children’s author, Lauren St John as we discuss her life as a writer. Hear tales of Lauren’s childhood, her inspiration and amazing work supporting international wildlife rescues with Born Free. Your students can have their questions answered live, and learn how we can all do one small kind act to make a huge difference for wildlife!


Empathy Week – Free Teacher Training

A tiny baby chimpanzee lying on his front sucking his thumbDate: Tuesday 11th March

Time: 4pm

Location: Zoom Webinar

Runtime: 55mins

Cost: Free!

Developing empathy in class through the lens of animal welfare: Join us for an exciting teacher training session, including an expert panel on wild animal welfare. We will explore how empathy plays a key role in conservation, plus share practical tips to help you bring these topics to life in the classroom.


Past events

A colourful painting of two parrots

Last chance to paint

Artist John Dyer created some amazing artwork during our interactive art webinar Paint A Rainforest.

Find out more about Last Chance To Paint here and check back soon for future webinars where you can paint along live with John.

Watch John’s Art come to life


Virginia McKenna sitting on the ground under a tree at the grave of Elsa the lionessIn Conversation with Virginia McKenna

Earlier this year our very own Dame Virginia McKenna hosted a webinar for schools.

Watch ‘In conservation with Virginia McKenna’

You can also watch previous education events on our Resources Hub.

Past Webinars

Find out more about Born Free’s regular webinars and exciting events coming up on our Events Page.


Please see our Child Protection Risk Assessment for online webinars.

Child Protection Risk Assessment