Field Conservation
From removing snares to working alongside local communities, our field conservation teams are making a difference every day. Every wild animal matters. That’s why Born Free is committed to protecting wild animals, habitats and ecosystems, whilst inspiring compassion and respect for wild animals.
We strive for coexistence, where wildlife and people can live safely and peacefully alongside one another. We are working towards a future where wild animals can live their lives free from harmful exploitation – and where ecosystems are thriving.
What are the problems facing wild animals?
Wildlife is increasingly threatened by human activities worldwide, including:
- human-wildlife conflict
- habitat degradation, destruction and fragmentation
- unsustainable and commercialised hunting or poaching
- infectious diseases
- climate change
Human-wildlife conflict
As people and wildlife come into closer contact, conflicts arise which reduce the communities’ tolerance towards wildlife.
Many remaining wildlife populations also live in areas with high poverty levels. Here, the communities rely on natural resources, like bushmeat, wood and water – putting further pressures on wild animals.
Rapid human population growth is also driving extensive loss of habitat across the planet. Agriculture, infrastructure development and extractive industries are leading to huge changes in land use.
How is Born Free conserving wild animals?
We run and support field conservation programmes which aim to address the most critical threats facing threatened species. These programmes protect the natural habitat of wild animals including lions, elephants, gorillas, chimpanzees, tigers, giraffes and orangutans.
Our work is community-based and driven, focused on engaging local communities to find effective ways to:
- reduce and mitigate conflict
- diversify and secure sustainable livelihoods
- protect and conserve key habitats
- increase empathy and compassion
- enable peaceful coexistence
We also conduct research, support wildlife law enforcement and promote education and advocacy.
This holistic programme aims to achieve our vision of a world where humans and wildlife can live alongside each other.
Download our annual Conservation Reports
Conservation Report 2022-2023 Conservation Report 2021-22 Conservation 2-Year Report 2019-2021 Conservation Report 2018-2019
Born Free Species Conservation








Our programmes

Pride of Amboseli

Pride of Meru

Saving Meru’s Giants

Guardians of Dja