Two tigers are in a small zoo enclosure behind glass, people stand taking photos through the glass

Zoos & Aquaria

Born Free opposes the exploitation of wild animals in zoos and aquaria.

Since 1984, Born Free has challenged the global zoo industry and today we lead the movement against the captive exploitation of wild animals. We investigate and expose the animal welfare standards of zoos and their commitment to conservation.

Claims by zoos that they contribute to species conservation and public education require careful scrutiny, and cannot be used to justify the keeping and breeding of wild animals in captivity. We challenge the global zoo industry and lobby for policy change in the UK and internationally.

We encourage improvements to animal welfare legislation that affects the lives of wild animals in zoos, and support improved care, while encouraging an informed public to consider directing their support away from the keeping of wild animals in zoos and instead towards protecting them in their natural habitats.

We work to change public attitudes, inform decision-makers, and give captive wild animals a voice. Whether it is exposing exploitation and the shocking conditions endured by captive wild animals or raising greater awareness about the needs of wild animals and their welfare, Born Free takes action on the front line for wild animals in zoos.

Born Free has also rescued and rehomed several animals from zoos. For example, our big cat rescue centres in South Africa give lifetime care to a number of lions and leopards rescued from appalling captive conditions.


There are tens of thousands of zoos worldwide, holding millions of wild animals in captivity.

Born Free is concerned that zoos can never recreate the complex environment that animals have evolved to encounter in the wild and many animals suffer in captivity as a result.
A black and white colobus monkey behind bars

© Jo-Anne McArthur

Most of us feel uncomfortable seeing an animal behind bars in a barren, concrete enclosure. In recent years, some zoos have replaced their bars with glass, electric fences and moats, artfully incorporated into the landscaping. However, space for animals in zoos remains restrictive and bears minimal resemblance to natural habitats in the wild; consideration most often seems to go into the visitor experience. Even in so-called safari parks, animals could spend most of each 24-hour period confined indoors.

Over the last 30 years, Born Free has conducted numerous zoo investigations and revealed that zoo enclosures are all too often woefully inadequate for the needs of the animals. As a result, animals can develop abnormal ‘stereotypic’ behaviours, develop medical problems, and suffer a lifetime of problems before dying prematurely.

In some species, welfare problems in zoos have been well-documented, such as lameness and behavioural problems in elephants, stereotypic behaviour and high infant mortality in polar bears, and abnormal behaviour in great apes.

However, all the wild animals in zoos live lives of compromise: they have evolved mentally and physically to live very different lives to that in captivity. Animals are adapted to specific natural environments and to exhibit particular behaviours. In zoos they may not even experience the sky overhead. Birds may get no opportunity to fly. Mammals may not be able to climb or run. Being born in captivity does not remove their inherent instincts and needs.

Animals can pay a very high price in zoos for our entertainment.

A polar bear in a city zoo enclosure

(c) Jo-Anne McArthur

Many zoos justify keeping wild animals in captivity on the grounds that it contributes to conservation. These claims generally focus on reintroducing animals back to the wild, maintaining populations of animals as an assurance against extinction, and/or funding conservation projects.

Zoos often claim they breed animals to ensure a secure population that could one day be used to return a species to the wild. However, studies have shown that the majority of species kept in most zoos are not threatened with extinction in the wild and very few animals kept or bred in zoos are ever returned to the wild. The relatively few zoos involved in reintroduction programmes do not justify the vast number of animals kept in captivity across the globe.

While some larger zoos may contribute funding to conservation programmes, this is by no means universal and represents only a small proportion of the money spent by zoos. Zoos are expensive to run and a great many are run for profit. Few people realise how little of their entrance fee may actually go to help conserve threatened species in the wild. In contrast to what many people believe, zoos continue to take animals from the wild for their collections, including elephants and cetaceans (whales and dolphins).

Born Free is concerned that the conservation claims of many zoos are exaggerated, ambiguous and in some cases entirely unjustified. Maintaining animals on display in zoos is an inefficient way to generate funds for conservation and zoos may be a distraction from the real need to focus on genuine conservation activities in the wild.

Children stand looking at a lion through a window at a zoo

© Jo-Anne McArthur, Born Free

Zoos often position themselves as important centres for public education about wild animals and habitats.

Zoos certainly offer the opportunity for visitors to see animals up close, but does seeing animals in this way mean that people learn anything meaningful, and does this change their behaviour to help protect animals in the wild once they have gone home?

We are convinced that seeing animals held in artificial environments devoid of their natural context does nothing to educate visitors about the species in the wild.

Frequently, zoo visitors learn little more than how an animal behaves in captivity and leave with a distorted and inaccurate perception of the species concerned. In general, the priority for zoos is providing entertainment rather than education.

If you are unhappy about your child participating in a school-organised trip to a zoo or attending a mobile zoo, please contact the organiser to explain your feelings about the problems associated with captive wild animals and why you do not want your child to take part.

Find out more and view our template letters here

A woman takes a photo of a bear behind glass in a zoo

© Britta Jaschinski

Many zoos claim that they conduct research: studying animal behaviour and physiology, their response to environmental enrichment (or lack of) or visitor presence, or problems with reproduction in captivity.

People may assume that this research helps threatened species or habitats in the wild. But too often studies focus on problems created by captivity and how they affect animal welfare.

Whilst some research may result in a benefit to the health and welfare of individual captive animals, these are studies that are only needed due to the existence of zoos and the many problems they create.

A caged animal

Across the globe, there is considerable variation in how zoos are regulated. In some countries, laws have been introduced, zoo inspection regimes established and licensing systems adopted, but elsewhere, there is often no form of even basic animal welfare legislation in place to protect animals.

Legislation may also be largely focused on having the correct licences to operate or aimed at protecting public health and safety, rather than ensuring any specific animal welfare standards in zoos.

Several zoo associations exist that claim to hold their member zoos to higher standards of animal care and conservation participation. However, we are concerned that these associations exist primarily to represent their members’ interests. The associations do not have any legal powers and have little or no influence outside their membership.

Furthermore, Born Free is concerned that membership of these associations does not necessarily guarantee good animal care.

A group of elephants walking around in a muddy enclosure


Find out why Born Free opposes the exploitation of wild animals in zoos and aquaria.


More information about Zoos & Aquaria

A giraffe is bending over in an indoor zoo enclosure with the photo taken through bars

UK Zoos and Aquaria

Born Free has the most comprehensive database of zoos in the UK - our investigations reveal many do not provide their animals with the best possible living conditions or standards of care. Discover more about UK zoos and aquaria.
An orangutan sits on the floor of a zoo enclosure

Global Zoos and Aquaria

With over 10,000 zoos estimated worldwide, holding millions of wild animals in captivity, the scale of the zoo industry is huge. Find out more about Born Free's global work with zoos and aquaria.
A bear stands on its hind legs twisting its neck, in a zoo enclosure


Zoochosis is a stereotypic behaviour in captive wild animals. Find out how animals get zoochosis and examples of zoochosis here.
Close up of an elephant looking through the bars of a zoo enclosure

Elephant-Free UK

Captivity cannot possibly provide for the needs of elephants. That is why Born Free is calling for an elephant-free UK.
Close up of an orangutan looking through bars

Raise The Red Flag

Help us end the suffering of wild animals in captivity, by submitting an eyewitness report and speaking out.
Close up of an elephant's eye

Take Action

Our high-profile campaigns take effective action and provide animals with a voice. Find out how you can Take Action to help wild animals.

Publications & Films

A lioness lying down with her head on her paws, at a zoo

Clawing at the Cages: The Problem with Keeping Big Cats in Zoos

Born Free's latest report highlights the suffering of big cats in zoos, and exposes the reality of life in captivity for lions, tigers, cheetahs, jaguars, leopards, snow leopards and pumas.
A polar bear paces behind bars in an indoor enclosure

Born to Roam: The Suffering of Polar Bears in Zoos

Born Free's new report looks at the welfare concerns of polar bears kept in zoos, the true risks facing polar bears as a species, and what action needs to be taken to protect this magnificent species.
An elephant walks around a small zoo enclosure

Elephants in Zoos: A Legacy of Shame

Born Free's powerful new report exposes the reality of elephants exploited in captivity, and calls on all zoos to become elephant-free.
Two tigers are in a small zoo enclosure behind glass, people stand taking photos through the glass

Zoos: Financing Conservation or Funding Captivity?

Born Free report evaluating the financial contribution of the Consortium of Charitable Zoos to in situ conservation.
Close up of a meerkat

Conservation or Collection?

Evaluating the conservation status of species housed and bred in licensed charitable UK zoos.
A giraffe is bending over in an indoor zoo enclosure with the photo taken through bars

Confined Giants: The Plight of Giraffes in European Zoos

Born Free investigates the welfare issues of giraffes living in captivity, and calls on European Zoos to phase out the keeping of giraffe.

For further information and additional reports, you can visit our Publications & Resources hub.

Publications & Resources