News & Updates

The latest news, blogs and features from Born Free.

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Act now for animals coalition

50 Animal Charities Unite To Urge Government Not To Waste ‘Once In A Generation’ Opportunity To Protect Animals.

Stick your neck out for giraffes!

Born Free launches our long-legged NEW giraffe adoption.

Sandro settles in

Thanks To Your Support, Born Free’s Newly Rehomed Tiger Sandro Is Settling In Nicely At His New Lifetime Home.

Is the end of canned lion hunting in sight?

Born Free Welcomes News That South Africa Is Rethinking The Captive Breeding Of Lions For Canned Hunting, Tourism And The Bone Trade.

All about birds

Born Free Celebrates Bird Day With TWO Fowl Projects!

Psgb awards: we have a winner!

This year’s recipient for Born Free’s annual grant for applied research and conservation of primates has been chosen.

What price the life of a majestic elephant?

Southern Africa’s Elephants Face The Bullet As Governments Revert To Cruel Trophy Hunting.

Saving meru’s giants

Our New Conservation Initiative To Protect Savannah Elephants And Reticulated Giraffes In Meru Conservation Area, Kenya.

Stop the slaughter

Born Free Calls For End To Badger Culls And Radical Changes To Bovine TB Control Policy.

Earth day 2021: why elephants and apes are key

On Earth Day 2021, Born Free joins one billion people for a day of environmental action.