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The latest news, blogs and features from Born Free.

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Simba: A symbol of hope

Simba starts new life at Italian sanctuary after being rescued as tiny, distraught cub in Russia. Now we need to build his forever home!

Rare parrots fly free in Cameroon

It’s World Parrot Day so, join our flight for survival for these remarkable birds and shake a tail feather to stop their exploitation.

Born free urges parents not to buy axolotls for their children

Axolotls are on the brink of extinction, yet they are at the top of Christmas wish lists this year.

New report: uk’s exotic pet boom is a ‘ticking timebomb’

Born Free and the RSPCA call for an urgent review of current exotic pet legislation following joint report.

Exotic pets on the rise in britain

A new survey conducted by Born Free has revealed that nearly 4,000 dangerous wild animals are being privately kept in Great Britain, under licence. We are calling on the UK government to immediately review the law and put a stop to some of the world’s most remarkable, but often deadly, creatures being kept as pets in unsuitable captive conditions.

Lions of lyon: wild animals as pets legislation

In March this year, a man was mauled to death by his pet lion. The man, from the Czech Republic, had kept the lion – as well as a lioness – in a cage in the back garden of his family home for three years.

Shocking evidence of the risk posed by pet servals

A video from a zoo in Indiana, USA, reveals just how dangerous wild animals such as servals can be.