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An adult serval lying down relaxing amongst long grass and vegetation

Four servals, two years on

Rescued from Belgium’s illegal pet trade and given a new life in South Africa, how has the quartet of long-legged wild cats settled into their forever home?

Four servals, one year on

A year ago today four servals, confiscated as illegal pets in Belgium, started a new life at a Born Free-funded sanctuary in South Africa.

Pets you never knew were legal in the UK

It is currently legal to keep almost any animal as a pet in the UK unless there is legislation in place which specifically bans the keeping of that breed or species. Born Free is increasingly concerned by the number of wild animals being traded and kept as exotic pets, both legally and illegally.

Four servals five months on

Rescued from Belgium’s illegal pet trade, with your support four servals have transformed at their new lifetime home in South Africa.

Shocking evidence of the risk posed by pet servals

A video from a zoo in Indiana, USA, reveals just how dangerous wild animals such as servals can be.