News & Updates

The latest news, blogs and features from Born Free.

Press contact: [email protected]+44 (0)1403 240 170

On the ground for great apes

Your generous donations to our recent Apes on the Edge appeal have already had a remarkable impact.

Trophy hunting – a Zimbabwean’s view

Born Free’s Head of Policy, Dr Mark Jones chats to Nomusa Dube, founder of the Zimbabwe Elephant Foundation, dedicated to helping communities co-exist with wildlife.

Drought disaster update

Born Free reports on a continuing crisis for wild animals and local people in Kenya, as a devastating drought, the worst in decades, continues to grip eastern Africa.

The spirit of Elsa

Meru is where our Co-Founder Virginia McKenna OBE learned to love lions and love Africa. She considers the park’s influence on her family and explains why Elsa’s descendants need you today.

Conflicts between lions & people – surviving snares

Born Free works to put a stop to snares posing a significant and painful threat to lions.

Tigers, wildlife and people – the wider impacts of our work

Yashvardhan Dalmia, Network Support Officer for the Satpuda Landscape Tiger Partnership, has collated photos and testimonials from colleagues in the field.

2022 winners of the McKenna-Travers Award for Compassionate Conservation

Born Free is thrilled to announce that the winner of the 2022 McKenna-Travers Award for Compassionate Conservation is Letícia Benavalli.

Habitat degradation and climate change

World Habitat Day 2022 is a reminder to all of us to 'Mind the Gap. Leave No One and Place Behind'.

McKenna-Travers Award People’s Choice: Voting open!

Born Free is delighted to announce that voting is now open for the People’s Choice category of our prestigious McKenna-Travers Award for Compassionate Conservation 2022.

Apes on the edge: Success or failure for gorillas?

On World Gorilla Day, our Head of Conservation, Dr Nikki Tagg, examines the double-edged reality faced by our closest cousins.