Publications & Resources

Find all the latest resources from Born Free, including magazines and publications, reports, webinars and more.

Two tigers are in a small zoo enclosure behind glass, people stand taking photos through the glass

Zoos: Financing Conservation or Funding Captivity?

Born Free report evaluating the financial contribution of the Consortium of Charitable Zoos to in situ conservation.
Two tigers sitting together

Where Did All The Animals Go?

Watch one of our past school events, ‘Where Did All The Animals Go? Meet artist Jane Lee McCracken and learn about how her art and environmental education project is connecting children to endangered wildlife from around the world.
Close up of a meerkat

Conservation or Collection?

Evaluating the conservation status of species housed and bred in licensed charitable UK zoos.

Wild Life – Summer 2021

The Summer 2021 edition of Born Free's Wild Life magazine with news and updates about our work.

Adopt – Spring 2021

All the latest updates on Born Free's adopted animals!

Wild Life – Spring 2021

The Spring 2021 edition of Born Free's Wild Life magazine with news and updates about our work.
A giraffe is bending over in an indoor zoo enclosure with the photo taken through bars

Confined Giants: The Plight of Giraffes in European Zoos

Born Free investigates the welfare issues of giraffes living in captivity, and calls on European Zoos to phase out the keeping of giraffe.

Hear the Roar!! – Issue 4

Meet the animals living in extreme climates, find out how we rescue orphaned bear cubs, and learn all about biodiversity!

Wild Life – Winter 2020

The Winter 2020 edition of Born Free's Wild Life magazine with news and updates about our work.