Born Free statement on human-lion conflict in Amboseli

16 May 2023


Born Free Kenya Country Director Tim Oloo provides a statement in response to reports of the retaliatory killing of 11 lions in Amboseli, Kenya.

Male lion walking through grassland.

We are deeply saddened and troubled by recent reports of the retaliatory killing of eleven lions in Amboseli, Kenya. We understand that families living in the area have had a challenging time with extreme drought and heightened conflict with wildlife, which can lead to economic hardship, and we are working with partners to help address these issues.

The loss of any wildlife is truly heartbreaking, and incidents like these disrupt the delicate balance of our ecosystems and pose a long-term threat to the survival of these magnificent creatures.

Lions hold a special place in our natural world, symbolising the beauty and diversity of our environment. They play a crucial role in maintaining the health of our ecosystems by regulating prey populations and preserving the rich biodiversity of their habitats. The retaliatory killing of lions, resulting from conflict with humans, not only undermines conservation efforts but also puts the species’ survival in grave danger.

It is vital that we acknowledge the underlying causes of these conflicts and work together to find sustainable solutions that promote harmonious coexistence between humans and wildlife.

To address these challenges, the Born Free Foundation established a community engagement program in Amboseli in 2010. Our program focuses on fostering coexistence between local communities and lions through the reinforcement of traditional Maasai bomas, which are transformed into ‘predator-proof bomas’ using strong metal posts and chain-link rolls. These predator-proof bomas offer a simple yet highly effective solution to human-lion conflict, safeguarding both people’s livelihoods and livestock. Through awareness and outreach efforts, we strive to cultivate tolerance and understanding between communities and wildlife.

Protecting and preserving our natural heritage is a shared responsibility. We urge our supporters, conservation partners and the public to unite in safeguarding our wildlife and ecosystems. By recognising the critical importance of biodiversity and actively supporting conservation efforts, we can pave the way for a sustainable future for both humans and wildlife.

Together, let us take a stand for the protection of lions, other predators, and community livelihoods. Our collective efforts can make a significant difference in ensuring a world where humans and wildlife thrive side by side.

Tim Oloo – Country Director, Kenya 

Born Free Foundation