Born free grant supports UK fox rescue
31 July 2023
Orphaned fox cubs can be extremely vulnerable but, with funding from Born Free, a newly refurbished unit is helping The Fox Project save lives in Kent.
Born Free does not forget the well-being of the precious wild animals here on our doorstep in the UK. Our recent grant of £1,000 is helping our long-term colleagues at The Fox Project to save lives as they work tirelessly and expertly to rescue, rehabilitate and release foxes in need back to the wild. Their mission is huge, last year for example, the charity – based in Kent, UK – cared for a remarkable 1,114 foxes, including 307 cubs.

Bill when first rescued
The Fox Project used the Born Free grant to update their vital cub unit, a space dedicated to rearing young fox cubs. They were able to replace the unit’s cupboards and worktops, as well as the stable door, and purchase a new chest freezer. “A new door isn’t necessarily exciting but to us it’s pretty wonderful,” said Sue Williams, Manager at The Fox Project. “Our old one was rotting and leaking heat, so the new one is a huge improvement. Plus, it’s better at soundproofing.
“Our new freezer is also quite exciting,” Sue continued, “because the old one was donated and although we were very grateful at the time, it was now pretty ancient and had started to ice up. The cupboards have given us very useful extra space so, all in all, we’re really pleased with what we have. We would like to say ‘thank you’ once again to Born Free for so kindly facilitating the new kit.
“Bill is one of the first fox cubs to benefit from the updated unit,” explained Sue. “Known as a ‘lostling’, Bill (see pictures) was so young he was still blind and deaf when found. He was picked up from a suburban pavement where we can only assume his mother had dropped him whilst moving her cubs between dens.

Bill now!
“Perhaps she was startled or panicked by something, but whatever the reason, she didn’t feel safe enough to come back for him. Bill has turned into a handsome little chap and is in with four adopted litter-mates – Honey, Manny, Blackjack and his best pal Effie – and will be so until their scheduled release very shortly.”
“Helping to update this unit has already benefitted many fox cubs who, thanks to the amazing work of The Fox Project, have been given a second chance of life in the wild once they have finished their rehabilitation,” said our delighted Head of Rescue & Care, Maggie Balaskas.
Over the last eight years Born Free Foundation have given out over £20,000 in a total of 43 grants to UK wildlife rescues. These essential small grants allow these wonderful, dedicated centres to purchase crucial items and pay for care of wild animals. Recent grants to The Fox Project include £1,000 towards a new hospital unit, £1,000 to purchase a microscope and provide training plus veterinary medication to treat parasites, as well as £800 for a release pen for rehabilitating foxes. The Fox Project wildlife ambulance service operates over a 60 x 70 mile range over parts of Kent, Surrey, East and West Sussex and South East London, helping sick and injured foxes and abandoned fox cubs.
Find out more
If you would like to apply for Born Free’s small grants funding or know of a UK wildlife rescue or hospital that would, then please email [email protected]