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The latest news, blogs and features from Born Free.

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Elephant group in the red-oat grass of the Masai Mara. Two adult females with a calf in open expanse of grassland with acacia trees.

Born Free offers Hope for Elephants

A future without elephants is unimaginable. Born Free’s new appeal offers a lifeline for one of Africa’s most iconic species.
A group of people standing in front of a banner at a conference

Born Free attends inaugural Wildlife Scientific Conference

Our Kenyan team was thrilled to present the impact of our conservation programmes at the first-ever Wildlife Scientific Conference, in Naivasha, Kenya
An animated image of a mother and baby elephant

Elephants in Zoos? Enough is Enough

On the 40th anniversary of Pole Pole’s death, Born Free releases powerful animation, voiced by Founder Patron Joanna Lumley, and new petition calling for an Elephant-free UK.
An elephant reaches out its trunk over the side of its enclosure, where people are standing

Twiggy the elephant: we will never forget

Born Free is sad to report that Twiggy, who lived alone at Belgrade Zoo for 26 years, has died.

Born free’s latest ivory investigation

Our most recent UK ivory investigation reveals an encouraging reduction in ivory listings, but there is still work to be done.

Why do elephants have trunks… and what are they for?

On World Elephant Day, we take a closer look this unique feature!

Ban on hunting trophies a step nearer

The Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill passed its Second Reading in the House of Lords on 16th June, and will now progress to a Committee of the Whole House.

Born free and now living alone – life for an elephant in a UK zoo

The UK now has three zoos which are home to solitary elephants – despite being highly social animals, Anne, Mondula and Five are suffering in solitude. We need to phase out the keeping of elephants in UK zoos, now.

Beehive Fences: Tiny solution, mammoth impact

Born Free has built ten ‘Beehive Fences’ to reduce crop-raiding and promote co-existence between people and elephants in Kenya. Have they had an impact? Our Conservation team reports.

People & wildlife in harmony

Our Saving Meru’s Giants Manager Newton Simiyu explains why identifying individual elephants and giraffes is a key part of our mission to secure their future.