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A small animal in a cage at a wildlife market

United Nations ignores opportunity to prevent future pandemics

Born Free is disappointed that today’s Declaration by the United Nations fails to protect animals and nature, or tackle key risk factors to prevent pandemics in the future.

Want to prevent pandemics? Protect wild animals!

Unless we change our ways, another pandemic will happen again. This is why we need to transform the way we treat wild animals, explains Born Free’s Policy team.

Can we head off the next pandemic?

The world’s wildlife trade regulator has recommended a raft of measures aimed at reducing the risk of future zoonotic diseases emerging from trade in protected species.

Global agreement needed to tackle wildlife trafficking

Born Free, representing the Global Initiative to End Wildlife Crime, co-hosted a high-level event alongside the governments of Peru and Gabon at the 11th Conference of the Parties to the UNTOC.

Born free urges china to ban wildlife trade

Born Free has joined 32 wildlife organisations and conservation experts from around the world to urge the Chinese government to shut down the production of and trade in wild animals in the country.