A group of five lion cubs lying in front of bushes
  • In Person
  • Conservationists in Conversation

    • Date:
    • Time: 19:00 - 21:00
    • Location: The Kenton Theatre, 19 New Street, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 2BS
    • Admission fee: £30


    Images of Will Travers and Rula Lenska

    Join Fiona Sanderson, Trustee of the Kenton Theatre, as she introduces passionate conservationists Will Travers, and actress Rula Lenska, for a fascinating conversation about wildlife, conservation, and the founding of the Born Free Foundation 40 years ago.

    This fundraising evening for both The Kenton Theatre and the Born Free Foundation, will be full of lively discussion, clips and interviews from the 1966 true-life film Born Free.

    It will also include details of the many rescue stories and adventures that Born Free have successfully undertaken since 1984.

    A special raffle and auction will be held on the evening with all proceeds going to the Born Free Foundation.


    (Ticket prices include a £1 Restoration Levy, a £1.25 Booking Fee and a 25p Community Fund Levy)

    I would never have believed it in 1984 that we would be on the verge of recognising our 40th anniversary. Forty years of working for wild animals in need and, increasingly, the communities who share their lives with wild animals. We could not have done it without the efforts of our Born Free teams around the world, together with the millions of people who share our values – focusing on compassionate conservation and care for the individual.

    Will Travers OBE

    Born Free is an organisation that has made a huge difference and a force to be reckoned with. I am proud to be part of the family. Born Free has been my inspiration since its conception… growing from strength to strength with its dedicated passionate team led by the wonderful Virginia and Will, it is a shining example of charity work that is always true to its ethics. I am proud to be part of this amazing team!

    Rula Lenska