Publications & Resources

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Close up of the brown eyes of a gorilla

EU Zoo Inquiry: German

An evaluation of the implementation of the EC Directive 1999/22.
Close up of the brown eyes of a gorilla

EU Zoo Inquiry: German English

An evaluation of the implementation of the EC Directive 1999/22.
A montage of close-up images of animals' eyes

EU Zoo Inquiry: Report findings & recommendations

An evaluation of the implementation and enforcement of EC Directive 1999/22, relating to the keeping of animals in zoos.
Two dolphins jumping through hoops

EU Zoo Inquiry: Dolphinaria Report

A review of the keeping of dolphins and whales in captivity in the EU.
A camel being ridden in a circus

A report into the welfare of circus animals in England and Wales

This report is the result of two years of investigations into the welfare of circus animals in England and Wales.