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Wales bans wild animals in circuses: Born Free reaction

Responding to the news that the use of wild animals in circuses is to be banned in Wales from 1 December 2020, Dr Chris Draper, Born Free’s Head of Animal Welfare & Captivity, said:

Born free urges china to ban wildlife trade

Born Free has joined 32 wildlife organisations and conservation experts from around the world to urge the Chinese government to shut down the production of and trade in wild animals in the country.

Does trophy hunting help conservation?

A new Born Free report is busting the myths and exposing the cruelty behind trophy hunting, starting with the claim that it can actually benefit wildlife conservation.

Last elephant at paignton zoo has died

Born Free is saddened to hear that Duchess, a female African elephant kept at Paignton Zoo, UK, has died.

Lions of lyon: wild animals as pets legislation

In March this year, a man was mauled to death by his pet lion. The man, from the Czech Republic, had kept the lion – as well as a lioness – in a cage in the back garden of his family home for three years.

Giraffe subspecies listed as critically endangered

Two giraffe subspecies have been listed as Critically Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species for the first time.

Good news for gorillas

Born Free has welcomed an announcement from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) that the mountain gorilla is no longer classified as Critically Endangered.

Shocking evidence of the risk posed by pet servals

A video from a zoo in Indiana, USA, reveals just how dangerous wild animals such as servals can be.

Death of two young elephants at chester zoo

Born Free reacts to the death of two young elephants from deadly virus at Chester Zoo

France overturns ban on captive dolphin breeding

The Council of State - France's highest administrative court – overturned a ban on breeding dolphins in captivity, citing "an irregular consultation procedure."