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Cattle standing in a line eating grass

Village saving groups benefit hundreds of families in Kenya

To create a platform to involve communities in conservation, Born Free is helping establish dozens of local saving groups in Kenya, benefitting hundreds of families. Elizabeth Yiambaine, Education Officer for Amboseli, Kenya reports.
A single giraffe standing tall in Meru National Park

Celebrating World Giraffe Day

Irene Kanga, Monitoring Officer for our Saving Meru's Giants programme in Kenya, tells us how Born Free is helping protect giraffes in Meru.
A propped up sign reading 'polling station' in front of a sandstone building

UK General Election: Party manifesto summary

What are the UK's political parties saying about Born Free's priority issues?
A close-up of a black-and-gold howler monkey. Its mouth is wide open in a howl and it is in a tree

PSGB winner 2024: a win for black-and-gold howler monkeys

Born Free is delighted to announce the winner of this year’s Primate Society of Great Britain conservation grant.
A baby macaque monkey sitting on the forest floor amongst leaves and bushes, lookjng up at the camera

Mad about macaques – celebrating International Macaque Week

It’s time to celebrate these remarkable monkeys and their key role in maintaining forests. But, it’s also time for action – these heavily exploited primates need your help.
A fluffy fox cub sits on the grass

40 ways to celebrate and help wild animals

To mark Born Free's 40th anniversary, we've created a list of 40 easy and practical ways you can help wild animals.
A lioness walks in grass in golden light

Wildlife empowered: A conservation journey

In celebration of International Women’s Day, we spoke with one of Born Free’s inspiring female conservationists: Faith Ndunge.
A group of people standing in front of a banner with a tiger on it

Tiger conservation: The next 20 years?

As the Satpuda Landscape Tiger Partnership celebrates 20 years, their annual seminar considered the next two decades of tiger conservation in the forests of Central India.
A loggerhead turtle swimming in the bright blue sea

Migratory species: Finding a way to protect them

Born Free’s Senior Wildlife Consultant, Ian Redmond OBE, reports from Uzbekistan following the 14th meeting of the UN's Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals.
A chimpanzee sitting high up in the treetops, gripping a tree branch

New group of chimpanzees monitored in Uganda

Dr Matthew McLennan, Director of the Born Free-supported Bulindi Chimpanzee and Community Project, introduces us to the Kiraira-Kasunga chimpanzees.