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Monkeys escape enclosure at marwell zoo

It has been reported that two Sulawesi black macaques escaped from their enclosure on Saturday afternoon at Marwell Zoo. Zoo guests and staff were asked to remain indoors whilst keepers dealt with the incident; with the macaques reportedly being returned 30 minutes later.

Tracking lions in meru

An estimated 58 lions roam and roar in the 870km2 Meru National Park. That is from a census conducted last year by the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) and other partners including Born Free Foundation. Sightings of several cubs and sub-adults in the past few months makes us cautiously optimistic for a positive growth on lion populations in the area. Together with the KWS Meru Research staff, Born Free puts in several hours daily to monitor these carnivores.

Outreach in amboseli schools

Recently, we conducted an outreach mission in different schools around Amboseli National Park aimed at educating the children on wildlife and environmental conservation and more specifically on lion conservation in Amboseli/ West Kili ecosystem. We met students from five different primary schools - Olmoti, Enkongu- Narok, Esiteti, Naor Enkare and Risa.


New film documentary reveals the truths behind the captive whale and dolphin industry in Europe. Highlighting animal suffering, the realities of captive breeding and indications of systemic drugging of dolphins and whales, to reduce anxiety and stress, this film will challenge the justifications for keeping of these intelligent, social marine mammals in captivity for entertainment.

Born free calls for an urgent review of the uk zoo licensing and inspection process

Tragic news further highlights the dangers involved when keeping wild animals in captivity. Following the tragic death of zoo keeper Rosa King by a tiger at Hamerton Zoo Park, Cambridgeshire, on 29th May, international wildlife charity, Born Free, is calling for a re-evaluation of the zoo licensing and inspection process in the UK, including the establishment of a full-time, independent and centralised zoo inspectorate.

Keeper killed after being attacked by a tiger at hamerton zoo

Zoo keeper, Rosa King, has been killed by a tiger at Hamerton Zoo, Cambridgeshire. Earlier reports suggested that a tiger had escaped its enclosure, with many people stating they had been evacuated from the site due to a 'serious incident'.

Determining wildlife numbers in meru

Late last March, in partnership with the Kenya Wildlife Service, Born Free conducted a second animal ground census to establish the number of carnivore and herbivore species during the dry season in Meru Park. We had undertaken the pioneer ground count in September 2016.

Spanish circus relinquishes its animals

The beginning of the end of circuses with wild animals in Spain. Last week a Spanish circus agreed to hand over all its animals and end its use of animals. The two lions from the circus have since been rehomed at the AAP Primadomus Foundation, located near Alicante.

Breeding ban of captive dolphins derailed in mexico

The captivity industry in Mexico has appeared to have derailed an initiative by Mexico’s Green Party in trying to prevent the phasing-out of dolphin captivity. The result could mean many more years of exploitation for captive dolphins in Mexico.

Circus lion attacks trainer

It has been reported that a male lion has attacked a circus trainer during a performance in Doullens, northern France, on Sunday 7th May 2017.