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Lion shot dead at german zoo after escape

The Born Free Foundation is saddened to learn that a lion has been shot dead at Leipzig Zoo today. Reports indicate that two male lions, who had recently been transferred from Basel Zoo, had actually escaped from their enclosure this morning. It was during attempts to capture them that one of the lions was shot after efforts to tranquillise him, failed.

Protected area management solutions

Protected Area Management Solutions: Interview with Wayne Lotter of PAMS - working to combat elephant poaching: Tell us about your job, your role and responsibilities: I am a founding director of a not-for-profit conservation organization based in Tanzania, which focuses primarily on wildlife protection. We support rangers, communities and governments to better protect wildlife from poachers and other criminals. We also collaborate with other like minded organizations to develop best practices and find solutions to challenges affecting wildlife. My primary strength is with strategy development.

The dead planet sketch

‘These creatures are iconic and very precious. They’re the only ones we’ve got’ - John Cleese Legendary comedian, actor, writer, film producer and passionate conservationist, John Cleese, has sent a stark video message to delegates at the United Nations wildlife trade conference, CITES CoP17, which is taking place in Johannesburg, South Africa:

Wild animal circuses look set to be outlawed in norway from early 2017

Regulations just published by the Norwegian government will effectively bring an end to the use of wild animals in circuses in Norway when they are implemented in January 2017. The Born Free Foundation has welcomed the news, which follows a series of false starts, whereby bans were mooted but fell by the wayside.

Eastern lowland gorillas on the brink of extinction

On Sunday 4th September, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) announced that it had placed the Eastern Lowland Gorilla in its ‘Critically Endangered’ Red List category, meaning that the species faces an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild. This is the highest category of risk. The next category is ‘Extinct’.

Last lifeline for africa’s elephants?

Latest report confirms Born Free’s prediction - that Africa’s elephants are in a ‘devastating spiral of decline’. International wildlife charity, Born Free Foundation, has described the transcontinental figures released yesterday on savannah elephants as “profoundly sobering”.

Ban on the use of bullhooks on elephants in uk zoos

Born Free Foundation and The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust call for ban on controversial use of the ankus in UK zoos. Two of the world’s leading animal protection charities, the Born Free Foundation and The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, have joined forces to call for an urgent review of the use of bullhooks (sticks with curved, pointed tips, often known as ‘ankuses’) in elephant handling and ask that standard management practice include the use of protective barriers to ensure the welfare and safety of both keepers and elephants across all UK zoos.