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A group of penguins standing on an artificial glacier in a dimly-lit underground aquarium

Campaign calls for release of penguins kept underground

Born Free joins Freedom for Animals in calling for the removal of 15 gentoo penguins currently housed belowground at Sea Life, London.
A photo of a captive dolphin taking part in a show. A man is crouching at the edge of the pool with his face blurred.

New report documents escalating exploitation of captive whales and dolphins in China

A worrying new publication has exposed the scale of whale and dolphin exploitation across theme parks in China.
An orca leaps out of the water in a marine park pool, while a trainer is holding a pole out for the orca to jump towards

Born Free welcomes news that Europe’s largest marine zoo is to close its doors

We are now calling for orcas and other animals to be relocated to sanctuaries.
A group of three elephants in a captive enclosure at Blackpool Zoo

Blackpool Zoo announces both expected elephant calves have died

Born Free is saddened to hear of the tragic loss of two baby elephants at Blackpool Zoo, which adds to recent elephant deaths at Chester Zoo and Dublin Zoo.
An elephant stands at the entrance to a zoo enclosure

Learning to look beyond zoos

A year on from our groundbreaking Beyond Zoos event in London’s Royal Geographical Society, Born Free’s Youth Ambassador Hector questions the educational role of zoos.
A close-up photo of a monkey's had gripping onto the bars of a cage

British members of monkey torture group given jail time

Two women from Worcestershire have been given jail time for their part in a depraved ‘monkey torture’ group.
A lone elephant standing inside a barren indoor zoo enclosure with a few piles of hay on the floor

Dismay as Danish zoo euthanises its elephants

Born Free is shocked and saddened at the recent news that Aalborg Zoo in Denmark has euthanised its two remaining female African elephants, Mai and Tanja, both in their 40s.
A close-up of a cheetah in a zoo, looking out from behind the wire fencing of its enclosure

A spotlight on captive cheetahs

Throughout the world, hundreds of cheetahs are exploited in zoos and kept as status symbol pets. Frankie Osuch from our Policy team reports.
A reindeer wearing a harness, stands in a barren enclosure at a Christmas event, with a Christmas tree lying down in the background

Charities unite to call for end of reindeer exploitation this festive season

Along with Born Free, animal protection groups Animal Aid, Freedom for Animals and OneKind are leading the campaign to end the use of live reindeer in events and displays across the UK – and you can help!
A black and white photo of an elephant standing next to two people who are crouching on the ground.

We will never forget you

In a moving short film, our Co-Founder Dame Virginia McKenna remembers Pole Pole the elephant, whose tragic death at London Zoo led to the start of our charity.