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The latest news, blogs and features from Born Free.

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Exotic pets on the rise in britain

A new survey conducted by Born Free has revealed that nearly 4,000 dangerous wild animals are being privately kept in Great Britain, under licence. We are calling on the UK government to immediately review the law and put a stop to some of the world’s most remarkable, but often deadly, creatures being kept as pets in unsuitable captive conditions.

Born free welcomes eu proposals to restrict ivory trade

Born Free has broadly welcomed the latest proposals from the European Commission to restrict the import, (re)export and internal trade in elephant ivory in the EU. However, Born Free is urging the Commission to go further.

Farewell bodo

We’re absolutely heartbroken to report that Bodo, our adopted moon bear, has passed away.

Confined giants

European Zoos Urged To Phase Out Giraffe In Captivity Following Our New Report

Changes to badger culling licences after 2022: Born Free reaction


Protect them and protect us – or live in lockdown forever?

New Video Highlights How COVID-19 Could Signal An Era Of Pandemics, Unless We Change Our Ways

Remembering elsa: 60 years on

Virginia McKenna OBE, Born Free's Co-Founder & Trustee, remembers Elsa the world-famous lioness on the 60th anniversary of her death.

In memory of richard bonfield

In memory of Richard Bonfield - Born Free's Poet-in-Residence from 2009 until 2017.

Big cat public safety act: Born Free reaction

Bill To Ban Big Cat Keeping In The US Could Pave The Way For Positive Change

Covid-19 cases among captive gorillas raises concerns for wild populations

First Confirmed Reports Of COVID-19 Among Gorillas