News & Updates

The latest news, blogs and features from Born Free.

Press contact: [email protected]+44 (0)1403 240 170

Asia for animals virtual conference

Born Free Is Part Of An International Coalition Opposing Animal Cruelty In Asia.

How to reduce the risk of pandemics

Born Free’s Campaign Reaps Results As International Bodies Recommend Wildlife Trade Suspensions And Market Closures.

Sandro the real tiger king has arrived safe and sound!

Rescued From A Squalid Zoo In Spain, Sandro Has Safely Reached His New Lifetime Sanctuary Home.

Sandro the real tiger king is on his way!

Rescued From A Shoddy Zoo In Spain, A Sanctuary Home Awaits In Italy

Remembering prince philip

Heartfelt Condolences From The Born Free Foundation.

The real tiger king

Will you give Sandro the loving home he deserves?

Born free calls for reform of exotic pet keeping in the uk

Growing problems associated with the keeping of wild animals as pets.

Fighting for elephants

New hope for African elephants as two distinct species now recognised.

Farewell jerry

We are extremely sad to report that our beloved lion Jerry has passed away.

Born free launches youth filmmaker & photographer of the year competition

Born Free has today launched its new Youth Filmmaker & Photographer of the Year competition.