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A female leopard emerging from a crate, into a South African sanctuary enclosure

New life for rescued leopards

On World Leopard Day, we welcome mother and daughter, Alda and Ginny, who have arrived at our sanctuary following a life in captivity.
A baby macaque monkey sitting on the forest floor amongst leaves and bushes, lookjng up at the camera

Mad about macaques – celebrating International Macaque Week

It’s time to celebrate these remarkable monkeys and their key role in maintaining forests. But, it’s also time for action – these heavily exploited primates need your help.
A portrait of a baby bonobo sitting amongst family members

How we protect bonobos

Born Free’s Head of Conservation Dr Nikki Tagg highlights the mystery and uniqueness of bonobos and reports on what Born Free is doing to protect these rare great apes.
A rhino with large horn is emerging from behind a bush

South Africa’s Cabinet approves plans to phase out lion farming and private breeding of rhinos

South Africa’s Cabinet has approved policies put forward by the Minister of Forests, Fisheries and the Environment that include ending intensive lion breeding and the intensive management and captive breeding of rhinos for commercial purposes.
Two spider monkeys desperately clinging to the bars of a cage

New European crackdown on Environmental Crime

Born Free welcomes new Directive which will make trafficking wildlife in the EU increasingly risky for criminals.
A pile of ivory tusks laid on a table

UK’s wildlife crime condundrum

The UK Border Force recently seized illegal wildlife products – including ivory and marine turtle eggs – as part of a global operation, yet wildlife crime convictions have dropped in the UK. Born Free is demanding more action from Government.
A grey parrot in a cage

Global wildlife trade regulator reprimands UK and EU for failures to uphold captive breeding rules

The global body that regulates international wildlife trade has officially reprimanded the United Kingdom and the European Union for their longstanding failure to register captive breeding facilities for the most heavily threatened and protected species.
A room full of people sitting at desks, with a panel and large projector screen at the front of the room.

Born Free urges world wildlife trade regulator to support wildlife trafficking agreement

Born Free co-hosted an event in the sidelines of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)’ Standing Committee meeting, aimed at persuading the wildlife trade regulating body of the need for a new international agreement to tackle wildlife trafficking.
Nicky Campbell with an elephant placard

CITES Standing Committee: Everything you need to know

As Born Free calls for tighter restrictions on international wildlife trade when regulatory body, CITES, meets in Geneva, we look at why CITES is important and how Born Free is involved.
Elephant group in the red-oat grass of the Masai Mara. Two adult females with a calf in open expanse of grassland with acacia trees.

Born Free offers Hope for Elephants

A future without elephants is unimaginable. Born Free’s new appeal offers a lifeline for one of Africa’s most iconic species.